Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Week Fifteen: Nearly There...

This weekend felt far more productive than last weekend. The fridge (finally!) got installed, we polished off the last of the hardware installation, the painters painted both the master bedroom and Dave's study/man cave/media room, and (most importantly) we managed to get quite a bit of packing done on Sunday.

With the last of the hardware on, the kitchen finally feels finished. I like the sleek modern handles juxtaposed with the more traditional style of cabinetry.

Dave's "man cave", painted out in a lovely shade of blue-green (Benjamin Moore's Slate Teal to be precise). In person this color is really quite fabulous, going from blue or green depending on the light. The heavy undertone of gray really adds a lovely depth to the color.

The master bedroom's walls were treated to Farrow & Ball's Parma Gray while the tray ceiling was painted in Ralph Lauren's Iron Gate, a lovely gray metallic with subtle blue undertones. Ralph Lauren's Regent Metallics' series is shown with a rather ghastly texture that RL suggests you apply to the paint to give it a crumpled effect. I ignored them though and just had this paint applied with a standard roller. Metallic paint is bold enough without layering on additional "effects".

I think the painters did a great job of creating a clean transition between the ceiling and wall colors, though it certainly would've been easier if the Parma Gray had been taken up to the inner molding. Ah well. I'm contemplating doing this myself to make the ceiling a bit more subtle, but I think I'll live with it a while and see how I feel. Besides, once the furniture goes in, both wall and ceiling colors tend to be a bit less "in your face" since there's so much else to look at.

A view of the family room from the open hallway above. No plans to change the current paint color (I've had my fill of painting for the moment!), but at some point when it comes time to repaint I'll probably go for a slightly grayer tone to work with all the cool tones throughout the rest of the house. A few weeks ago I happened to win a free design consult with PK over at Room Remix. I've asked her to help me out with this room and I can't wait to see what she comes up with -- especially for those niches on either side of the fireplace.

I'm going to go ahead and ask for your patience over the next couple of weeks as I anticipate posting to be lighter as I finish packing, moving and unpacking. Juggling work, moving, and the rest of my life is proving to be something of a challenge lately and unfortunately blogging may have to take a back seat for a bit.

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