{Last Year's Christmas Card}
Even in just the past few years, I've seen a noticeable down tick in the number of cards I receive during the holiday season. Perhaps holiday cards have simply become old fashioned (and, let's be honest, way too much effort) in a world of instant connectivity. After all, why waste the money on a card and a stamp when a simple text message will convey the same message instantly? In the corporate world, more and more businesses are switching to e-holiday cards (yuck!) under the guise of environmentalism, but I suspect it's more to do with cost savings than saving trees.
There's a world of difference between a thoughtful card and a text message or e-mail and I think there are some good arguments for keeping the tradition around (even in this digital, eco-conscious world). For one, the effort of sending a card is always noticed and appreciated by the recipient. For another, best wishes are just about the only gifts we exchange with most of our extended network of friends and family -- why not make those wishes a bit more thoughtful and sincere? And besides, who doesn't love getting mail?
The past three years I've had my holiday cards made for me by a friend (who also happens to own her own stationery store here in Houston). This year though, I'm woefully behind and will likely have to resort to pre-made cards. So just in case any of you are as behind as I am, I've rounded up a {Christmas} dozen of my favorite ready-made holiday cards.
Source List: 1. Fa La La La La cards from Kate Spade ($30/set of 10). 2. Hanukkah Candles cards from MOMA Store ($18.95/set of 8). 3. Reindeer Roll Call cards from Ink Spot Workshop ($30.50/ set of 18). 4. Merry Christmas Cards from Annechovie ($18.50/set of 8). 5. Printable Holiday Cards from Up Up Creative ($6/3 downloadable styles). 6. Holiday Welcome Cards from Vera Wang ($31/set of 10).
Source List: 1. Dog Silhouette Personalized Christmas cards from Fire Hydrant Press ($42/set of 25). 2. Scroll Ornament cards from Vera Wang ($37/set of 10). 3. Red Tree holiday cards from Kate's Paperie ($17/set of 10). 4. Cherry Blossom holiday letterpress cards from Snow & Graham ($14/set of 6). 5. Dreidel Dreidel letterpress cards from Albertine Press ($15/set of 6). 6. Merry and Bright holiday cards from Stationery Boutique ($25/set of 16).
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