Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Blue Diamonds the New Girls Best Friend

Who doesn’t like diamonds!? Only to be known as ‘the girl’s best friend’, they are widely seen in crisp white, but there are a few rare colored diamonds; pink, yellow and blue. Blue diamond is considered to be one of the most expensive and rarest types of diamonds. This blue gemstone became the hottest must have and was in huge demand after being featured in the Hollywood movie Titanic.

The formation of a blue diamond naturally is very rare and also very expensive, which is why it is now artificially created. It evolves under the same conditions as that of naturally formed diamonds, although the treatment can be done in small quantity involving irradiating the gemstone causing the color change and then followed by a heat treatment to stabilize the color. The blue hue colors of the diamonds represent the color of the sea and that of the sky giving a true picture of life. The appealing shade of the blue diamond comes in deep aquamarine, green tinge, rich deep blue to ice blue. These colors of blue give a soothing and appealing feeling to the individual who wears them.

Cuts of blue diamonds are shaped in a different way that enhances the beauty of the gemstone by illuminating the tranquility and beauty of the stones; variations are the cushion cut, and heart-pear-octagon shapes, and even princess and marquise cuts.

The most famous and largest of blue diamonds is the infamous Hope Diamond (pictured to the left), which is now in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. It is colored in deep blue and famed to carry a curse to whomever owns it. The largest weighing around 45.02 carats, it is a cushion cut and radiates dark grayish-blue color. It got its name after Henry Philip Hope of London.
Other famous blue diamonds include the Blue Heart, Heart of Eternity (pictured to the right), and Transvaal Blue & Chard Blue.

A new friend to some, but an old friend to others; the blue diamond is definitely an exquisite and stunning gemstone mixture of nature and man.

*Research from various books and websites.

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