Monday, 20 September 2010

Faux Fur Please

After posting the Chanel faux fur fall collection video last week, it got me thinking about all the people who still wear real fur. When I found this video on Youtube I was shocked to see how many celebrities still wear fur, even though it has been shunned upon for a few years now.
What I find difficult to understand, is how people can wear furs even though they claim to love animals. For example, Pairs Hilton’s dog was famous at one point and was treated like royalty. Obviously she loved the animal, and claims to be a dog lover. But, in the video Paris is photographed wearing a fur garment. I find it to be the biggest contradiction that she can have a pet, yet still be alright with wearing a skinned animal on her body.
It is a known fact that every year over 50 million animals die every year in the name of fashion. Animals are electrocuted, gasses and trapped. Animal furs are not a by product of the meat industry, animals are killed exclusively for their coats. Even though it is not legal, cat and dog furs are being sold under false pretences in the United States. An example of animal cruelty is the clubbing of seals. Seal are killed, and their pelts are sold. It is legal to hunt for seals in Canada through November 15th to May 15th.
Personally I love fashion, but killing animals in the name if fashion is just wrong. This is why I was really impressed by the Chanel faux fur collection. Even though the furs weren’t real, the clothes still looked beautiful. Unfortunately, furs have come back into fashion this season, and it is important for buyers to understand the history behind the pieces they are purchasing. Real fur is cruel.  

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