Sunday, 28 November 2010


1.  What I liked the most about creating my own graphic novel, was that it was fun to do. Also, there was not a lot of writing involved in creating the graphic novel. I could be creative and use pictures to help get my story across. Graphic novels are also less formal that a regular novel. This made working on this project seem less like homework.
What I did not like about creating the graphic novel was the time it took to make. Importing and finding the right pictures took a while to do, and re-adjusting the scenes took a long time as well. In total the graphic novel took me 10 hours to create and edit. This is a lot longer than it would take me to write an essay or short story. All in all, the graphic novel took a very long time to complete but was a fun project.

2. If i were to redo this assignment I would have started a lot earlier. I did not realize how long it takes to create a graphic novel, and if I were to redo this assignment I would have started it as soon as it was assigned. I would have also figured out how to make my comic into pages. Each page in the Bitstrips program contains 2 panels using the storyboard layout . So instead of doing 8 pages with two panels per page, I did 16 panels in total.

3. I tend to learn best by doing. Therefore, making my own comic gave me a better understanding of how comics work. Comics are about the pictures, the images are there to get the message across. Also, using Bitstrips to make my comic allowed me to learn how to use a program I ended up really liking. 

4. Advice I would give others about this project:
  • Start as soon as it is assigned since making a comic is a lengthy process.
  • Play around with the program you are using before making your comic. This will allow you to learn all the tools and functions the program offers.
  • Get someone to review your comic when you are finished to make sure it makes sense.

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