Monday 16 February 2009

He done good.

Just had to post a quick brag about my husband Dave who managed to completely surprise me for once in the gift department. We don't usually exchange larger gifts on Valentine's Day, so when he gave me a pink Canon PowerShot on Friday night I was pretty much speechless. Sure, I'd dropped a few hints that I'd like one, but I just assumed he'd hold off until my birthday (June 14th). Unfortunately, I didn't get much opportunity to play around with it over the weekend, but I'm going to dive into the manual tonight and start taking some pictures. The gift is particularly well-timed since I'm off next weekend on a girls' trip to visit a good friend who just moved to Louisville, KY.

As for what I got Dave: He had requested a new computer game (Fall Out 3). Per Wikipedia, Fallout 3 takes place in the year 2277, 200 years after the nuclear war that devastated the game's world in an alternate post-WW2 timeline. Romantic, eh? I figure it'll keep him busy while I'm out of town this weekend. [In truth, I think Dave is really excited to be sans-wife next weekend -- between the new video game and a golf game already scheduled with my sister's boyfriend and Dave's brother, he's good to go.]

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