Saturday 21 February 2009

Should An Artist Share

There is much to be said for putting your work on the Internet; rather it is as a gallery for people to view and admire, for businesses to connect with their customers/clients, for others to sell their work online as a business, job, or hobbyist as a way to support themselves and their families, while still others put it out there for everyone to share and use. Putting one’s work on the internet no matter what type; poets, business people, writers, or artists is in some ways like hanging out the ‘come and get it’ sign. This opens the door for anyone to take what is not rightfully their own; for whatever reason, without permission. Many people when providing information or techniques do so in order to pass on their knowledge, skill and experiences to others; gladly sharing and providing further if asked, rather than taken. And when doing so, they will give credit for their sources and continue to share with their audience for their benefit.

While I enjoy competitive and entrepreneurial spirit, I’ve asked myself some questions lately…… at what point does one stop sharing their skills, experiences and knowledge with their audience? At what costs does one say ‘enough is enough, I will not share any further?’ So why is it that people find the need to take, rather than seek and ask? Has our society become one of such disregard that before we know it there is no one with skill, information or experience to draw on in order to move forward?

Just some food for thought……

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